Instant Gratification is an AR based project I created in March, 2019. Through my process of exploration, I experienced Augmented Reality and immediately fell in love with it. Simply the idea of turning something realistic into something virtual makes me feel there are so much potentials I can go with it and present it in a virtual art form. For example, things that are happening but transparent to us (we don’t get to see it with our eyes). This is how I got my inspiration from made me start this project. I believe that we live in a world full of lures and distraction. It’s so much easier for people to gain instant gratification nowadays, through fast food, cigarettes, drug, alcohol, etc. Because of how convenient they are and how much gratification they can bring to our life almost make us forget how fatal they actually are. I often planned to eat healthy food but ended up being really tired and eat fast food instead. I understand that we sometimes need instant gratification in our life, but we should always aware what we are doing. If some people are looking for something healthy and long term, instant gratifications are definitely not good choices. When camera aims logo target (eg. Marlboro), skeleton will appear on the logo along with the words “Instant Gratification” and dance.