I think we can all agree on this: Imagination is a great thing. Indeed, it's an inherent gift of human-being. Either we choose to value it or to abuse it, we have to live with it.
In the history, probably even before human found the concept of imagination - I believe imagination has saved many lives from starvation, post-war trauma and loneliness (especially at a time there’s no technology and therapy). Even till today, many of us are still using imagination to fight against depression.
From my point of view, I fear imagination as much as I adore it. It's a glorious tool to use, but can unconsciously lead us to an addiction and to the ultimate form of indulgence.
I'm often attracted by the pattern inside my kaleidoscope. The repetition and form created a rhythm that's irresistible to look at. I decided to use the idea of kaleidoscope to create a video narration that's mesmerizing just like the pattern inside a kaleidoscope.